Certifications & labels

Our certifications

Our certifications

ISO 19443:2018

Alcadia is certified ISO 19443:2018 (n°348 Q ind1)

This standard defines the specific requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2015 by organizations in the nuclear energy supply chain providing products or services important to nuclear safety (IPSN).

ISO 9001:2015

Alcadia is ISO 9001 certified: since 2005 (n°050969/636F)

This standard defines the criteria for a management system. It is based on a number of quality management principles, including a strong customer focus, management commitment, process approach, risk analysis and continuous improvement. It ensures that customers obtain uniform and good quality services.

Reference number: 050969/636F

Réference number : RA 2023-353

Corporate Security Improvement Manual (MASE)

Alcadia has been MASE certified since 05/09/2018 (no. RA 2023-353).

This certification is a recognition of the quality of the workplace safety rules put in place and their application by Alcadia employees, based on a safety management system designed to improve Health Safety Environment (HSE) performance but also communication, organization and working conditions of employees.


Alcadia has been CEFRI certified since 2006 (no. 682 E).

The French Committee for the Certification of Companies for the Training and Monitoring of Personnel Working under Ionizing Radiation (CEFRI) recognizes, through its type “E” certificate, Alcadia’s ability to carry out work under ionizing radiation and to meet the applicable regulatory requirements. This recognition is based on the assessment of organizational systems, in particular with regard to the prevention of risks related to work in nuclear installations, medical monitoring and staff training.

Our Labels

Bpifrance Excellence

Since 2018, Alcadia has been supported in its growth by Bpifrance, a public investment bank dedicated to financing and developing businesses. Recommended for its performance, growth potential, and the drive of its leaders, Alcadia joined Bpifrance Excellence, the business network for growth companies supported by Bpifrance. The aim of this network is to connect companies to help them boost their business together.

Nugget Label 2018

Co-piloted by the Lyon Metropolis and the LYON METROPOLE Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 2011, the Pépites program supports 10 new SMEs with high development potential each year during their hyper-growth phase. The goal is to position them to become Mid-Cap companies.