Nuclear power

The nuclear power sector


With 57 nuclear reactors (including the EPR), France ranks second in the world, behind the United States, in terms of nuclear equipment for electricity production. The advantages of this energy source, which covers nearly 72% of France’s electricity needs, are now recognized: low greenhouse gas production and a particularly competitive cost price compared to fossil fuels, particularly hydrocarbons.

The Fukushima accident in Japan in March 2011 raised public awareness and confirmed the major industrial players in their determination to continually improve the safety of facilities in operation and in the future: the Park in operation, the EPR under construction and the new reactor models.

Our achievements

Since its inception, Alcadia has been involved with designers, operators, and safety authorities of the operational fleet in the fields of operations, maintenance, and safety.

Alcadia also participates in various EPR projects in France and abroad, focusing on system design, accidental operation, testing, and safety.